Logistics recruitment: how to recruit in 2023?


Logistics recruitment: how to recruit in 2023?

The crisis in the job market is hitting the logistics sector hard. The supply of logistics recruitment is outstripping demand on the part of applicants: an unbalanced situation that has created a tight market. How can attract top logistics talent to stay competitive?

The logistics sector is more than ever for qualified candidates. On average, 30,000 vacancies remain in the field every year. This figure has been rising steadily since 2016. Companies are vying with each other to remain remain attractive to young graduates and talented career changers.

Procemo gives you all the keys you need to adopt a strategic position on the job market and attract the best logistics profiles. 

The job offer: the starting point for effective logistics recruitment 

The essential components of a job offer 

Your introduction should be both effective and inspiring. Start with a brief history of the company, including the highlights of its history. Show humanity and authenticity to create a bond with your audience right from this stage.

The key elements of your logistics job offer should clearly stand out from the body of the text. At a glance, the reader should be able to identify the central information:

  • job duties ;
  • the expected academic course ;
  • required years of experience ;
  • soft skills ;
  • a few pointers on the recruitment process.

Transparency as a key value in logistics 

Today's candidates are particularly sensitive to corporate transparency. A confusing job offer that lacks honesty and content won't hold their attention. Be exhaustive on all subjects relating to the job offer you are proposing: the salary, the criteria you consider essential, your requirements. 

In logistics, it's just as important to be transparent about the education and experience expected as it is about the human qualities sought for the position. For example, a logistics manager is expected to be responsive, rigorous and organized. 

If you're looking for a curious profile with special language skills, an international outlook or agility with certain software programs, don't hesitate to mention it. Being clear and precise on your job offer will help youoptimize your time when selecting candidates. 

The only requirement is to include the mandatory information 

To comply with the legal framework, you need to mention certain elements on your job offers, whatever the profile you're recruiting and the sector in which you operate. 

Procemo summarizes the required information for you:

  • publication date ;
  • offer reference ;
  • job title and description ;
  • type of contract ;
  • experience required ;
  • contact address ;
  • no mention of age, gender or marital status ;
  • no mention of physical characteristics. 

Is it possible to propose a precise and original logistics offer? 

Find the right approach: detailed and differentiating 

Logistics professions are organized around the same link in the value chain. It's sometimes difficult for candidates to clearly identify what the job entails behind abstract job titles. Provide sufficient detail and precision to enable them to quickly judge whether their profile corresponds to the vacancy.

Once the expectations are clear, you can work on your storytelling to immerse the candidate in the company's culture. Original formats and the use of humor are very appealing to young graduates. Invite them to propose uninhibited application formats : Video CVs, informal cover letters... Be curious and open-minded! 

Choose an accessible tone

The tone of the writing should encourage the candidate to continue reading until the end of the offer. So it's best to be human, engaging and caring from the very first line. Save the technical terms for later, you want to make the talent want to meet you and learn more about the company.

In addition, you can use every trick in the book to help candidates see themselves working alongside you. In a few words, tell them about the context of the company and the stimulating projects to which the candidate could be called upon to contribute. 

Keep in mind that candidates want to be recruited for their personality, not just their academic skills. Show that your company is sensitive to the uniqueness of its employees, and even values their individuality on a daily basis. It's a winning argument!

Developing your identity as a logistics recruiter

Deploying your employer brand 

The employer brand is the identity through which you communicate all your recruitment messages. It is made up of a set of visual (colors, logo, layout), auditory (vocal or musical signature) and editorial (tone of writing, signature.) codes. This employer brand enables logistics candidates to quickly identify you as an active recruiter.

Logistics companies often neglect their employer brand, which is the foundation of their reputation with talent. Don't hesitate to call on a communications agency to set up an identity consistent with your message and your DNA.

Then think about deploying this identity on all the channels at your disposal:

  • General or specialized job boards: Indeed, Pôle Emploi, Welcome To The Jungle ;
  • Social networks: LinkedIn first and foremost;
  • your career site. 

Assert yourself as an active logistics recruiter

To amplify the reach of your employer brand, be active in your talent search. In 2023, an effective recruitment strategy is actually anInbound Marketing strategy. The aim is to attract as many candidates as possible to your company with relevant, high-quality content throughout the year.

You can, of course, call on the services of specialists in the field, but a few simple reflexes will help you optimize your search :

  • Be regular on social networks: Instagram and LinkedIn are a priority;
  • don't ignore constructive negative comments; 
  • welcome feedback and initiatives from your employees on your strategy;
  • turn your employees into ambassadors of choice;
  • be human, creative and daring. 

Staying competitive in the logistics sector 

Adopt a clear recruitment strategy 

When writing a job ad, put yourself in your audience's shoes: can they easily identify the key information? Do they want to read on? Do they want to meet the company's employees? Once again, thejob ad is more an invitation to conversation than a list of criteria.

If you're having trouble implementing a strategy that respects your logistics company's identity , call in an expert. Procemo consultants put their expertise at the service of your most ambitious objectives. Across France and Morocco, we offer our customers strategic and operational solutions to enhance their performance. 

Offer a glimpse of daily life in your logistics structure 

Your company's culture and codes should be reflected in the job offer. If candidates recognize themselves in your values, they'll be inclined to continue the process.

In logistics and in all Supply Chain professions, well-being at work is more than ever a key issue. Show that you care, with testimonials from employees, for example.

Pay attention to detail, too: snacks, a rest area and branded goodies in line with the company's codes are a big hit with young profiles. You can also arrange a meeting between the applicant and the employee to create a space for friendly dialogue. It's an opportunity for talented people to talk more concretely about daily life within the team and, possibly, to develop initial affinities.

Making an impact with logistics talent 

You'll stand out in a highly competitive logistics job market if you're clear and to the point. The candidates you're after may consult a dozen job offers every day. Put all the chances on your side to make yours stand out. Even the youngest logistics talents are well aware that they are evolving in a market that is favorable to them, and are increasingly demanding.

Be aware of your strengths and highlight them. The hybrid organization, the number of hours worked, the employer's flexibility, the salary package and the RTT (reduced working hours) are all ways of attracting candidates' attention. As soon as you write the job advertisement, show that you know your employees well and that you care about their development.


You now have all the tools you need to effectively recruit the best logistics profiles. Keep in mind that your retention objectives are at stake as soon as your candidates are integrated.

To benefit from the support of a specialist, don't hesitate to contact our experts at logistics recruitmentWe are ready to assist you.

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