Women and the logistics function


Feminizing the logistics function: our practical tips

The supply chain and purchasing professions are modernizing and attracting more and more women. One function, however, is resisting this change: logistics. Storage and transport operations are still are still mainly managed by men.

The reason? Physical and time-consuming professions that suffer from an ageing reputation. This situation weakens teams and has a direct impact on company objectives.

However, it is in their interest to rethink their recruitment strategy. More than a legal obligation, gender diversity is a guarantee of performance and development in all business sectors.. Procemo gives you some simple ideas to recruit more women and contribute to the modernization of the logistics sector.

Restoring the image of the logistics function

Breaking through the glass ceiling

If women are having difficulty gaining access to positions in logistics or transport, it's because stereotypes persist. In 2022, according to a Gartner survey, women in logistics accounted for just 39% of talent.

Feminizing the logistics function meets a twofold challenge: both enabling women to feel legitimate in this type of position and deconstructing recruiters' preconceived ideas. Women can also work in warehouses, carrying goods and managing heavy goods vehicles.

Today, many women are breaking free from the sexist clichés that weigh heavily on them in the world of work. They are now claiming physical or strategic positions, and are excellent assets for revitalizing ageing functions.

Blossoming in logistics

In fact, the logistics function already has many arguments to attract new candidates.

  • varied assignments in different workplaces;
  • jobs accessible to all levels of training;
  • a fast-growing sector thanks to the rise of e-commerce;
  • opportunities in France and abroad;
  • a dynamic function that encourages talent to excel;
  • attractive career prospects for all profiles.

The logistics function offers a range of careers to suit every ambition. Some even discover a vocation after their first steps in the company. This is the case for Florence Varin, 29, who is thriving as a logistics methods technician.

Intended for a career as a ceramic decorator, she found an outlet for her creativity in logistics project management.

Her qualities for success? Commitment, determination and a good dose of character and optimism.  

Supporting women in their logistics careers

Promoting logistics to young candidates

To recruit and integrate more women into the logistics function, we need to start by introducing them to the profession before they enter the job market. Often overlooked or neglected by female students, the sector nevertheless has a wealth of opportunities to offer them.

An hour's intervention in the science stream can increase a girl's chances of taking up a scientific career by up to 30%, according to an article in Le Point. Companies also have a role to play in helping female students explore male-dominated career paths.

Don't hesitate to take part in forums, organize conferences or webinars to present the industry and answer their questions. Particularly as the new supply chain and logistics professions are not gender-specific, and cater for all ambitions.



Promoting the logistics function among students 

Immerse yourself in the field

There's no better way to project yourself into a career in logistics than immersion in the field. Think of short internships dedicated to female students, or open days. These events give young girls the opportunity to get a closer look at the realities of the profession and deconstruct preconceived ideas.

Don't hesitate to organize meetings with female employees and delegate certain tasks. Female students will then realize that they are just as capable as men of performing well in logistics.  

Providing development opportunities for every talent

Some employees lead a " double working day ". Domestic chores are added to their jobs, imposing an extra mental and physical burden. Some young parents opt for part-time work, sacrificing opportunities reserved for full-timers.

As an employer, you need to give your female employees the means to train and continue to progress. Think, for example, of a mentoring system that enables them to learn new skills on the job alongside a more experienced talent.

The supply chain and logistics sectors have been undergoing major changes in recent years. Digitization, collaboration, recruitment and green supply chain are the new challenges facing the value chain. Training is therefore an essential lever for integration, enabling your female employees to stay in the race.

Concrete ideas for integrating women into your logistics team

Adopt a policy of equal recruitment and promotion

In logistics, as elsewhere, women still suffer from major inequalities. Attractive salaries, promotions and development opportunities are primarily offered to men. For the same working hours, women will earn 15% less than men in 2023, according to a study by the Observatoire des inégalités.

If you want to recruit more women, equal pay is a great place to start. Start by taking stock of the pay gap within your company and aligning pay levels. Use the Egapro Index to establish this.

Parity in the workplace is a collective mission that involves all spheres of the hierarchy. Train your team in the fundamentals of professional equality and encourage each employee to take action in this direction.

Periods such as annual appraisals, salary negotiations or restructuring are pivotal and give you the opportunity to apply your equal opportunity policy. Achieving perfect equality is a long-term process, but female candidates are sensitive to companies that are committed to greater gender diversity and transparency. These values must become pillars of your HR strategy.

Offering a balanced lifestyle

Both men and women are increasingly concerned about their work-life balance. Young candidates want to work in a caring environment that takes into account their family commitments and personal development.

To feminize your logistics team, flexibility and trust are key. For example, you can offer weekly teleworking days or flexible working hours. Both your male and female employees can enjoy a certain degree of freedom in the organization of their working hours, while maintaining their level of dynamism and commitment.

Apply 0 tolerance to discrimination and harassment in the workplace

Combating sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace is no longer an option. It's imperative that you educate yourself and your team about these issues. In France, one woman in two has already been confronted with a sexist situation at work. An alarming figure that underlines the urgency of the situation.

Women face a variety of obstacles throughout their careers. As soon as they enter the job market, they are confronted with discriminatory recruiters and do not have access to the same opportunities as their male counterparts.

Ongoing training to combat gender discrimination

To overcome stereotypes in your company, start with an internal survey. Ask your employees how they feel, what their needs are and what initiatives they would like to see implemented. There are simple steps you can take to keep the women on your team on the right track:

  • ongoing training for HR managers;
  • raise awareness of your talents through events, communication campaigns and training;
  • Extend paternity leave;
  • remain alert to new measures proposed by the government to protect women in the workplace.  


As you can see, the company plays a key role in feminizing the logistics function. Even before recruitment, it must promote its values and culture, and encourage female students to embark on a career as an order picker, logistics manager, truck driver...

The company is also responsible for ensuring the personal development of its female employees , by offering them a suitable working environment. All sectors must work together to offer women the same development opportunities as men in logistics.

Procemo consultants are at your disposal to support you in your strategic thinking and your operational challenges in logistics, purchasing or supply chain. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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